Is it possible to be a dedicated homeschooling mom while still making time for myself as an individual (a girlie girl who likes cute shoes)? I like to think so. Follow along, and I'll let you know for sure.

Trust me . . . it's not ALL about the shoes.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Scholastic Books Fairs Warehouse Sale

For all the local homeschool mama's, run - don't walk - the Scholastic Book Fairs Warehouse Sale currently going on at their location in Lake Mary. The sale, which started yesterday, continues until 7PM tonight and from 8AM to 4PM on Saturday.

The bulk of the items are priced at $5 per (you-fill-it) bag, with a separate section having individual items ranging to 50 - 80% off. Some items are damaged or missing parts, so you definitely have to pick through to find those in the best condition. But overall, it was well worth $5/bag to be able to answer "yes, yes, yes" every time my kids asked "Can we get this?" They have declared it to be the "best day ever" and are anxiously waiting for me to come downstairs and help them sort through all their new finds.

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