C.F.A.P. is an organization providing temporary pet food assistance to economically challenged, disabled and elderly citizens of Central Florida.
With Central Floridians facing job layoffs and foreclosure, many families are feeling hopeless and unable to care for their companions. Not knowing what to do, many will abandon the family pet. Our shelters and resources are overwhelmed with surrendered animals.
Through the efforts of C.F.A.P. and community sponsors, we are able to provide food and low-cost services to the pet owners in the hope that they will be able to keep the family together through this difficult time.
Currently, many businesses in Orlando are serving as collection points for the Four-Legged Food Drive, including two of our favorite places - My Art Studio and Bikes, Beans and Bordeaux. The drive runs from July 4th to August 1st, and details / collection point info are provided on the C.F.A.P. website.
Though I would have liked to have put together some type of event to raise donations for this, I knew I didn't have it in me to plan one more thing right now. Instead. I've been using the great Purina coupon out right now to stock up on cat and dog food at Publix. So far, we have about 30 pounds of food that we'll be taking to My Art Studio and B3 this Thursday!
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