Is it possible to be a dedicated homeschooling mom while still making time for myself as an individual (a girlie girl who likes cute shoes)? I like to think so. Follow along, and I'll let you know for sure.

Trust me . . . it's not ALL about the shoes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Me Time Monday - MIA

It's true that Monday isn’t the first day that comes to mind when I think of having some time for myself. I’m more likely to spend this particular day tackling mountains of laundry, piles of dishes and otherwise catching up from a busy weekend. So each week, I’ll be making a point to try out a new idea for “me time” and reporting back every Monday, when we all need inspiration the most.

Wow, my posting has been SO sporadic lately - and when that happens, there's usually a deadline involved (work or otherwise). Fortunately, this one falls into the "otherwise" category, as I was busy preparing three routines for our big bellydance show this past Saturday. Funny how 10 minutes of dance can consume my life for weeks on end. Fortunately, school suffered little interruption . . . I just never found time to blog about it.

Two of my routines were with my troupe, Gypsy Sa'har, and the third was with my technique class -  both groups consisting of some of my favorite women who are like sisters to me. I completely love my homeschooling mama friends, but it's also special to me to have a completely different, yet equally close, group of women in my life. We come from all different backgrounds and are at different stages in life - and somehow it gives me some perspective and helps me remember that while I love being a homeschooling mom, I'm also more than that . . . at least for 10 minutes a few times a year when I put on a magical costume and take the stage with my fellow Romani temptresses, sultry sword goddesses or happy Assaya (cane) dancers.

1 comment:

  1. dancing with a long sword sounds like fun!

    I like Mondays. weekends are so hectic.

    (visiting from the hip homeschool hop, but not listed this week-- I am not a girly girl who like shoes. I wear my green hiking sandals with everything, even to church or with a skirt-which I only wear when all the jeans are in the wash)
