Is it possible to be a dedicated homeschooling mom while still making time for myself as an individual (a girlie girl who likes cute shoes)? I like to think so. Follow along, and I'll let you know for sure.

Trust me . . . it's not ALL about the shoes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Discovering a New World

Not sure why I didn't think of this as the best place to start for our US unit study this fall, but when I saw the lapbook a friend had put together for a Columbus Day study, I thought . . . "Hey, why didn't I think of this as the best place to start for our US unit study this fall?"

Fortunately, she was kind enough to share her lapbook template, and we spent the morning putting it together. I'd pulled some Columbus Day resources from the Enchanted Learning website late last week, so Noah had already gotten an overview of Columbus and his voyages - and we used a bit of the info in the lapbook. The lapbook project was really a great way to pull it all together so we'll have it to refer back to as we move forward in history.

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